Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tools - The More Difficult Ones

My last post talked about possible physical tools to step towards success. This post, I'll try and gather up some mental tools. Now, mind you, I'm clueless and stabbing in the dark. But, I'm 47 years old, fat, and unhappy and continually restarting my "healthy lifestyle" and failing is not working, so I need to come up with something new to try. 

So here are my ramblings on possibilities for mental tools for success. 

Mental Tools

Tool #1 - Meditation + Mindfulness  

OK so I'm no expert on this subject, but I figure it can't hurt, right? I know many are very successful in their life journey.  I honestly don't know where to start on this one.  I have anxiety and I hope this will help with that too. 

But where do I start?  

Resolution: Figure out where to start. Research and find some tools and set some attainable goals.  Have a plan within the next 2 weeks. 

Tool #2 - Writing

For the most part I enjoy writing. Sure, I wish I could write the next bestseller but for now, I'm content with blogging. I think that writing down my true feelings and putting them out there could be a step in the right direction.  If you are more of a private person, you could certainly journal or keep a private online diary.   The catch here is that honesty is key. Your blog, diary, journal will not help you if you're not being honest. 

Resolution: Post a blog post at least once a week. Blog post should be honest and free from rationalization. 

Tool #3 - Face it 

This is a really tough one for me. I am not one to face my problems head on. I'm more of a compartmentalize and hide it kind of girl.  I ignore my problems until they eat me up inside and then, rather than deal with them, I shelve them once again. I have so much anxiety and fear about so many things that it gets overwhelming. I am hoping tool #1 (mindfulness) will help me progress with this one. I need to face things head on and deal with them like an adult.  This will likely be the single most challenging thing I do. 

I hypothesize that this is one of the key sources of my emotional eatingI just need to prove it.   Any ideas? 

Resolution: I'm not sure what I can do here to change a lifetime of fear and anxiety. For now my realization that it's important may be enough. I'll revisit it after working more on the mindfulness and meditation. (Did I just NOT face the "Face it" tool? I'm incorrigible.)  

I resolve to deal with this soon, I promise myself that. 

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